What is TrinityConquer?

This is a Conquer Online emulator based on Conquer V5695. The associated server closed due to time constraints, but the emulator's source code remains fully available. It undergoes monthly updates and is offered at an affordable price.

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Reasons to buy this Source

You will receive complimentary critical updates, and there is also an option for budget-friendly paid support. It's important to note that any errors affecting gameplay will be addressed at no additional cost

Critical Updates Free

Can get free updates of critical errors in Repository.

Repository based

Can access to repository for get last updates.

Paid Support

You have paid support available for anothing you need add or edit in source.

Last technologies used

Are using .NET 6 with C# for the development.

Website + Loader included

The source come with Website and Loader totally functionally.

Easy to run

Can run easy, have guide for fast startup.

The Source and Loader

The website

Active support

If you need help with something, you can contact me and request a quote for changes to your source to adapt it to what you need

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